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I am too small. But one day Raisa and me are going to ride to the ends of the world together,” he replied with a fierce look in his liquid blue eyes. Kola was almost taken aback by the intensity of those eyes watching from beneath a shock of hair in a shade of red unheard of in Ce’al. Then his mind replayed the boy’s words and stood straight, his eyes scanning the stables for a weathered face.“Lialor, front and center!”The stablemaster straightened from where he had been lounging as he mended some tack and came to face the Command Sergeant-Major. “Sar’nt Major?”The golden glare of Kola bored into his stablemaster. “Please tell me you have not let this child near that monster of yours!”Lialor sighed and shook his head. “I tried to keep him away from her, Sar’nt, but she gets riled up if she scents him and he cries if he can’t go see her at least once a day,” the stablemaster tried to explain, his tone earnest though defensive. “Besides, since he started coming here, Raisa’s settled. The sight had aroused him more than anything previous in their marriage. He needed to have her now, but he could see that she didn’t need him at all. Suddenly, Candy took his hand again and moved it from her groin. He was about to apologize for leaving it there when she settled it on her belly. The baby was kicking again, and he could feel it. Lying like this, so close and bare, he could actually see a little motion when he raised the sheet on the back of his hand. Between feeling so much and seeing so little, he preferred feeling. He returned his hand to Candy’s belly until the kicking stopped.Soon after, Candy turned over. The rotation moved her from under his hand, and he pulled the hand back in case it had bothered her. She didn’t seem to be bothered, though. She was moving back towards him in obvious preparation for having sex. He couldn’t believe that she wanted that, but his desire was too raw to raise the question. He slipped inside her, and she was so moist, so tight, so hot..
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